Jose Cuervo Especial Reposado Tequila 750ml
Jose Cuervo Especial Reposado Tequila 750ml

Type: Tequila


This gold tequila from Jose Cuervo is made from Blue Agave and a blend of Reposado and other high-quality aged Cuervo tequilas. A true taste of Mexico, enjoy this neat or in cocktails. Jose Cuervo Especial is created by the Cuervo Family. They begun to create tequila over a 100 years ago in the town called tequila under the tequila volcano. They decided on this location because the volcano feeds the agave plant all sorts of volcanic minerals make the tequila full of volcanic mineral. The agaves are hand selected, pruned, slow-baked, pressed, distilled and then aged in oak barrels. This may take a long process to make but that is what it takes to be the number one selling tequila brand in the world.

ABV : 38%

Size : 700ml